Allow you child to move ahead as quickly as possible or take as much time as needed. It is very important that he learns the sounds of all of the alphabet first. Then play games with him where he builds three and four letter short vowel words.
Purchase plastic movable alphabet letters or make some using thick, index paper and colored, permanent markers. Use different colors for the vowels and consonants. For example, use blue for consonants and red for vowels. Color is another key element for your child to learn how to read quickly and easily. Next, cut out some pictures of short vowel words and paste them on card stock. Use the movable alphabet to spell the words that your child sounds out. For example, take a picture of a cap, have your son sound out the word... and place the movable alphabets next to the picture.
Build lots of short vowel "a" words before moving on to the next vowel. Try to build fifty words or more. A good starter list to practice with is something like this... cat, cap, man, rat, lap, ran, hand, ant, ham, map, land, sat,... you see what I mean. Your child will love it and soak it up like a sponge!
So, magic key number three is...practice, practice, practice and allow your child to develop a momentum of victory.