Back when I discussed positive reinforcement I was trying to make a point that a positive attitude and words of encouragement can go a long way in giving your child confidence. This confidence, of course, is going to go beyond their reading skills and help them become confident individuals as a whole. This might seem old fashioned, but something that teachers used to do back in the day should be carried on as a motivational tool and form of positive reinforcement: putting gold stars on their work!
Kids love stickers in general, but a star is representative of achievement. They are reaching for the stars in the academic world! Please reward them for all their hard work! The perfect time to do this is after they’ve written their ‘books’ of phonograms (short vowel words and long vowel words for example). When you make the cover, add a shiny star to show them how proud you are of their hard work J Try to stick with stars or ‘words of encouragement’ stickers ( ex: “Awesome!” “Great Job!”) and stay away from cartoon characters and other images that might distract them from the book itself.