The argument against homeschooling usually lies in the belief that children will lack social skills as a result of not being around children their age consistently or that they can’t receive as good of an education with parents being their teachers instead of trained educators. I can understand the idea that children can end up lacking social skills by only interacting with adults (namely their parents), but one thing to consider is all the options parents have to still immerse their children in social activities while educating them at home. Extra curricular activities are practical options for getting children involved in activities with other kids all while learning valuable skills. Think: sports, the arts, 4H, church youth groups, etc. Most public schools are open to allowing homeschoolers to take certain classes through their curriculum as well, so when those driver’s education days roll around you don’t have to have that scary job :) Your kids could also attend prom in most cases depending on the school district’s rules.
As far as parents not being adequate educators, I can understand that train of thought as well. After all, how can someone who hasn’t been trained to educate children know how to make lesson plans and keep their children up to date with learning standards for their age range? 20 or 30 years ago I wouldn’t be shocked if certain children who were homeschooled didn’t have consistent learning goals and ended up with a sub-par education. The good news is in today’s world there are so many support groups and teacher’s associations out there that parents have no excuse not to find all the tools they need to give their children a stellar at home education. For that matter in many states it’s now necessary for parents to take training courses on how to teach effectively and/or have a full fledged teacher’s license or they are not allowed to be home educators for their children. Thankfully with the resources the internet provides it is possible to learn how to be a great teacher for your children whether you are their after school tutor or their main educator.
So now that you’ve heard the arguments, where does your opinion lie?