While we’re on the subject of old classics, let’s talk about a book series that many kids (girl’s especially) have come to love in their early readings: the Little House the Prairie books. Laura Ingalls Wilder chronicles her life as an early frontier girl in Minnesota. These books are so enjoyable and educational because they show a piece of American history that is often overlooked: the early stages in this country’s development where families had to hunt for their food, build their own houses, plant harvests and hope for survival during rough winter months. Laura’s adventures and life lessons have a way of resonating with children who can see similar situations in their own lives even set in modern times.
Little House in the Big Woods
Farmer Boy
Little House on the Prairie
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
Little Town on the Prairie
The Long Winter
These Happy Golden Years
The First Four Years
And for nostalgia’s sake don’t forget the classic TV series with Michael Landon and Melissa GilbertJ
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