I don’t know about you guys, but one of my favorite word games growing up was word searches. You know, the letter puzzles that are arranged in a grid that look like gibberish but have hidden words inside? Talk about developing deciphering skills! Once kids discover how to find words out of a jumble of seemingly nonsensical letters, they’ll love the challenge this game can bring.
It’s easy to find word searches in stores, like in the handy booklets kids can carry with them on road trips. Or if your kids are more computer savvy, there are plenty on websites that have free word searches for their use like http://www.eastoftheweb.com/games/ that features word searches that your child can customize to their liking.
Usually word searches will help build a child’s confidence to try bigger challenges like crossword puzzles—another old classic that every child should experience!
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Hi Nike Air Max 95,
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Posted by: Victoria | October 27, 2010 at 08:29 PM