Welcome to Phonics Reading Pro! One of the basic rules for phonics reading is to teach the sounds of letters first and not the names of letters. I know how tempting it is to teach your child their “ABCs” so they can sing the song to all your friends and family and get encouragement and smiles! However, if you plan to teach your child to read using phonics and not the “look- see” method, then it is a much better idea to teach letters with their sounds and their names.
In other words, instead of saying “this is A, this is B, this is C, etc” you want to say “this is A (like apple), B “b ( like baseball)”, C “c (like candy)”, etc. It might take a while to get used to saying the sounds instead of the names, but it will pay off in helping your child’s understanding of blending sounds together to make words. Use pictures, flash cards, and wall charts to help illustrate the connection. Try it out and give us feedback of the results!
We’re excited to see your child become a phonics reading pro!