A true Phonics Reading Pro has a love of reading. Here are three way to make sure your child becomes a Phonics Reading Pro:
1) Read to them first! Who didn’t love Mom and Dad reading bedtime stories to them? Discovering the wonderful world of fantasy and knowledge that books can give you should come early for everyone!
2) Have them read to you! Once they’ve grasped the basics of reading have them read bedtime stories to you! They’ll think it’s hilarious that the tables have turned! Only you will know the real reason for the switch is for the fact that it will strengthen their reading skills even more ;)
3) Buy them books that interest them… Once they’ve moved past beginner books and express interest in new topics—go with it! A good example is one of the editors of this blog loved Babysitter Club books growing up. I’m sure her mom wasn’t thrilled to have bought 375 Babysitter Club books for her, but you know what? From that book series she learned so much about other topics that it led to her exploring other literary areas and before long she was reading classics like ‘Jane Eyre’.
Opening up the world of phonics reading to your child will make the leap from “baby books” to literature that much easier!