It’s an important phonics reading skill to be able to look ahead and figure out the ending of a story. Always encourage your child to visualize what they are reading. Mental images help make connections between words being read and the ideas and pictures they communicate. Teach your child to think of stories almost like mini movies in the head so that as the plot develops, the imagery becomes more and more vivid. Once they learn this it’s easy for them to recall images when they begin to read the same book again, as well as develop new images as they are introduced to other books.
Making predictions about stories becomes easier when your child can imagine what’s going to happen when they are reading a story. You’ll find that when you can engage your child’s mind they’ll enjoy reading more and thus become more likely to be avid readers in the future. That’s a win-win situation for everyone! Plus, when you introduce story writing to your child, it will be all the more simple for them to be able to illustrate the pictures from their mind onto paper. How’s that for an important skill in phonics reading?