Early in the Phonics Reading Pro blog we discussed a game and phonics reading tool called “The Ladder”. The Ladder is a game used to help solidify reading skills for children. The key is to find a popular word ending that can have many different beginnings. For example, -at is a short vowel word ending that can have many different letter beginnings. You can make many different words ending in –at including cat, mat, rat, sat, scat, brat, hat, and so on. The Ladder helps your child visualize this by laying the words out in an organized fashion.
Don’t just limit yourself to short vowel “a” words though. You can play the game with all of the short vowels. For example make the word ending –ot, so you can make words like dot, cot, got, hot, not, tot, etc. Now try words ending in –ed: bed, led, ted, fed, red, etc. Short vowel ‘i’ words ending in –id for example, could include bid, lid, hid, rid, etc. And finally short vowel ‘u’ words ending in –ut include but, cut, gut, hut, nut, etc. Use the Ladder to help your little Phonics Reading Pro build confidence in their newfound reading skills!