The more ways you introduce your little Phonics Reading Pro to language, the better they will be able to grasp an understanding of the spoken and written word and how language works as a whole. This is why from birth it is so important to talk to your child, ask them questions, answer their questions and really develop their speaking skills in the process. I know it’s easy to get bogged down with day to day responsibilities, but remember that your child is a sponge wanting to soak up all the information around them. Don’t let the TV become a replacement for real interaction.
Here are some things all parents should do with their kids to immerse them in language early on and subsequently help them academically before they even make it to preschool:
--Read books and encourage them asking questions and predicting the course of the story
-- Sing songs
-- Teach them rhymes
-- Play interactive games like “I spy” and “Memory”
-- Start to teach them letters and their sounds
-- Point out signs when you’re out driving to introduce word association
Let Phonics Reading Pro know if you have any other suggestions in the comments please…
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