Once your Phonics Reading Pro has a firm grasp of what makes up a story- introduction, main theme/story, and ending- have them begin to write short stories of their own. When you’ve taught them the word drop game that I discussed in a recent post, they’re going to learn how to write a proper sentence. The only thing you have left to introduce to them to is how to group together sentences to make a story. This begins early when you read them their bedtime stories! Remember how we talked about teaching your child to have a love for the library? All those story-times they went to and eventually checking out books of their own are going to come in handy for their writing skills. It doesn’t take long for kids to recognize the sequence of characters being introduced, the characters having some adventure or solving a problem, and the resolution and end of the story.
Encourage your child to draw a picture and then tell you a story about it. Once they’ve done this, you can suggest that they write the story down. Give them lots of help the first few times they do this exercise and then let them fly free! :) Be sure to provide them with large pieces of paper that have a space on the top for their drawing and then pre-printed lines for them to write their story on. You can find sheets like this at any teachers supply stores or anywhere office supplies are sold. Seeing your Phonics Reading Pro draw, write, and read their own stories will be a joy!