The editors at Phonics Reading Pro have been drilling our readers about how important it is to build words with your child. Look back at our posts about creating word lists, “The Ladder”, name writing, etc. on how important it is to build skills through tactile learning and not just visual or auditory learning. Watch your child build dendrites while they build words with a movable alphabet. You may find it hard to buy inexpensive movable alphabets, or even find them in stores for that matter. For this reason, Phonics Reading Pro has decided to teach you how to make your own set of movable alphabet letter for your child!
Here’s how:
1) Buy a sturdy paper cutter and thick white index paper (plain with no lines) from any local office supply store
2) You will also need to buy red and blue permanent markers
3) The vowel cards are to be cut 1 ½ inches by 1 ½ inches or 1 inch by 1 inch
4) The consonant cards are to be cut 1 ½ inches wide by 2 ½ inches tall
5) The vowels are to be written in red and the consonants in blue
6) The last supply you’ll need is a small no-heat laminator in order to laminate all the letter cards you’ve worked so hard to make! This way the letters will last a long time and you will be able to periodically disinfect them. The laminator can be used for your own personal office use as well, so think of it as an investment.
Have fun using these letters to build word lists with your child and increase their phonics reading skills in the process!