Every Phonics Reading Pro knows there are certain go to reading rules that you can teach your children to build confidence. For example, here’s a rule to share with your children early on in their reading lessons that’s easy to remember: "Whenever you see a word with ‘Q’, a ‘U’ is sure to follow". Words with ‘QU’ are reasonably plentiful so it’s worth it to point out the rule and even do a word building exercise with a movable alphabet to give your child a visual. Read back a few posts to learn how to make a movable alphabet of your own!
This is a more advanced reading rule and I’d suggest introducing it sometime when they’re in the long vowel sequence of lessons. Make sure you use words that start with ‘QU’ and words that have “QU’ within the word. Some words you can use include:
Introducing simple reading rules is another way to help your child become a Phonics Reading Pro!