Most parents and the editors at Phonics Reading Pro would agree that the moment they introduce sugary treats to their kids—bouncing off the wall ensues! Interestingly, scientists often dismiss these claims saying sugar is simply a carbohydrate and is processed as such and shouldn’t cause in difference in behavior or mood. I’d like to invite them into a classroom after lunch period and see if they can tell the difference between the children who ate a balanced lunch and those who ate lots of sugary snacks.
The reason we are bringing this up is because parents should be mindful of how their children’s diet affects their concentration. Anytime you or their teacher are trying to give them reading lessons, keeping their attention can be a huge task and not being able to do so could be a possible detriment to their understanding and total learning of phonics skills. So just be mindful of the types of foods you give your child. It’s just as quick to pack them a juicy apple as it is to pack them a twinkie.