I think one of the things that make Phonics Reading most fun for kids to learn is not only its simplicity, but also how easy it is to learn it by playing games! There are so many opportunities to slip in a game here and there while you are doing lessons with your child, that you’ll find you and your child will look forward to lessons and homework instead of pushing it off until the last minute.
Rhyming is a good way to test your child’s understanding of beginning reading. Let’s say you have been studying short vowel ‘a’ words such as ‘bat’. Make a game by saying “If we took away the 'b’ and put an ‘m’ in its place, what would it say?” When your child catches on ask them to try replacing the first letter of ‘bat’ and see if they can make real words. Explain to them that this activity is called rhyming and then challenge them to a competition to see who can make the longest list of rhyming words! When your little phonics reading pro begins writing, have them write down the list of rhyming words for practice. You can post them up in their room or on the refrigerator to show off your little star's good work :) This is only one example of a fun phonics reading game. Stay posted and we’ll discuss more in the future!