Phonics Reading Pros believe that there is a “write way to reading”. What I mean by that is have your child write out words as well as read them. Everyone learns differently. Some of us learn best by hearing, others by reading, and some by doing. When your child is just learning to read it isn’t easy to know which style of learning is going to work best for them. Therefore, do a little bit of everything! Read the books, write the focus words, and build the focus words with a movable alphabet. Through one or more of these methods your child’s ‘light bulb moments’ will start happening with more frequency and before you know it they’ll be begging you for more reading time!
Keep your child’s word lists together so you can make mini books with them. For example, when your child writes out the most frequent short vowel ‘a’ words they read, staple them together and make a special cover for them. Have your child sign their name on the cover and read it to friends, family, and all that will listen! They will all be impressed by your child’s phonics reading skills!