Greetings to each and every one of you that read my blog. :-)
Today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me! :-)
I don't have a reading lesson for you today or a specific tip... just a question.
Have you heard of a movie called "The Cartel"?
I saw a trailer for it earlier and found the bit that was presented very interesting. I believe it will be something that will enlighten and it will also arouse much curiosity.
One point raised was that "public schools" are monopolies and children are suffering and also some teachers are suffering too. When a teacher is brave enough to speak out about what is going on that is wrong...they get fired, black balled, or both.
They spoke about high schooled children that can't read. I know that is the truth because I have taught high school and was shocked that I had twelfth graders that could not read.
That is actually one of the main reasons I decided to teach kindergarten. I felt that if I could work with the children and help them lay a solid foundation in the very beginning...they would excel from that point forward.
It worked! I still have students that I taught when they were five years old telling me that learning how to read back then at an early age made a world of difference for them.
They are entering college now and still love learning, especially reading...and they often take journies that broaden their world view and knowledge by simply curling up in their favorite chair with a book.
Reading with phonics is the way to go. Even a three year old can learn to read with ease. Try it, you'll be glad you did.
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